An Emergency Dental Clinic Can Be a Lifesaver

Routine dental care is a no brainer for most parents of toddlers, children, and teens. We know when our kids should start brushing their teeth, we understand the importance of regular visits to a pediatric dentist, and we possess a basic knowledge of what’s going to happen inside our child’s mouth as they continue to…

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Should You Pull Your Child’s Tooth?

Most children begin to lose teeth around age six, but some can lose teeth as early as four years old and as late as eight. The general rule is the first one in, first one out. Your child will most likely lose them in the order they erupted. They will start wiggling and it may…

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Baby tooth knocked loose, What should I do?

If you are reading this your child probably has a tooth knocked loose.  Do not panic!  The two types of dental trauma injuries that result from a fall involving trauma to the mouth are a dental concussion and dental subluxation. These two types of dental trauma are the most common dental injuries I see in…

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Knocked out Baby Tooth

Dental Trauma and injuries: Part 1 The most commonly knocked out baby tooth/ teeth are the top front teeth. Whether it is your toddler learning to walk (remember the days of the “zombie” walk?) or chasing his/her sibling and running into a coffee table, those top front teeth especially the two middle teeth are in…

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Bleeding after a baby tooth falls out

How do I stop bleeding after my child’s baby tooth falls out? Children often start losing teeth around the age of six. Usually, the two bottom teeth will fall out first since teeth tend to fall out in the order they came in. 1. Fold a clean piece of gauze and place it (tightly) over…

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Possible broken jaw in Children

In the event of jaw injury, tie the mouth closed with a towel, tie or handkerchief. Go immediately to an emergency room. Typical causes of a Broken Jaw in children Bicycle Falls Car Accidents Sports A punch to the jaw Typical signs & symptoms of a broken jaw Bruising, swelling and sourness along the jaw…

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My child knocked out a permanent tooth! Help!

My child knocked out a permanent tooth! Help! We get these calls all the time. Do not worry you came to the right place! As a continuation of our dental trauma series, we will be discussing the what-to-do’s if you or your child knocked out or “avulsed” a permanent tooth. The two front teeth are…

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Broken tooth

Rinse the area with warm water. Put a cold compress over the facial area of the injury. Recover any broken tooth fragments. Get immediate dental attention! Call us at (907)562-1003

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