Why Does My Child’s Breath Smell So Bad?

We’ve all sat beside or conversed with an adult with bad breath. It’s not pleasant, but sometimes the reason for the offensive breath is straightforward to explain. That burger may have caused it with the raw onions or perhaps that plate of pasta heavy on the garlic. Why does my child’s breath smell? But how…

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Why Do My Child’s Gums Bleed When Brushing?

Do your child’s gums bleed when brushing? If you’ve noticed some red on your child’s toothbrush or some blood when your child spits after brushing, you’ve no doubt been alarmed. That’s natural. For most of us, blood indicates a problem, which can certainly be true regarding oral hygiene. However, not all blood that appears when…

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What Causes Cavities?

Cavities are no fun for anyone – child or parent – so it’s important to understand what causes them so that you can do what you need to do for your child to prevent them from forming. There are two main types of cavities – those that form on the surface of the teeth, and…

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Herpetic Gingivostomatitis

As our children grow, we encounter all sorts of ailments, injuries, and infections we never knew existed, some with complicated names like Herpetic Gingivostomatitis, an infection of the mouth that occurs mostly in young children and is related to the herpes simplex virus. Despite its long name, however, Herpetic Gingivostomatitis isn’t a complicated ailment, but…

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Children and Canker Sores

Most adults develop canker sores at one time or another. They’re annoying but you deal with them and do what it takes to make them disappear. Children can develop canker sores as well. Different from cold sores, which are contagious, these canker sores can be super annoying to children, especially the littlest ones, and can…

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Preparing Your Child for Their First Dental Exam

If you’re thinking about your child’s first visit to the dentist, good for you! It’s never too early to start a routine of good dental health. After all, seemingly in just the blink of an eye, your little one will be grown and old enough to recognize the importance of beautiful, healthy teeth. Of course,…

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Learning How to Brush Your Child’s Teeth

Learning how to brush teeth is a right of passage toward self awareness, and independence.  Brushing teeth is like second nature to us, but it isn’t for our kids. Brushing is a habit we as parents must create as our children grow, starting as early as 6-12 months old when those first tiny teeth appear,…

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Gummy Vitamins and Your Child’s Teeth

Gummy Bear candies, gummy worms, and other ooey, chewy gummy snacks have been around for quite some time. They’ve long been a favorite of children as well as adults and, where candy is concerned, many see them as a better alternative to giving children chocolate and other sweet snacks. In 1997, Hero Nutritionals™ jumped on…

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Nutritious Foods for Your Child’s Healthy Teeth

As an adult AND a parent, it’s likely you understand the connection between healthy teeth and healthy eating. No doubt you’ve heard since childhood about the things you should eat and the foods that you should avoid that can cause tooth decay. (How many of you had a mom that said, “Candy will rot your…

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Should I Worry About My Child’s “Shark Teeth”?

Sometimes baby teeth are just so darn stubborn! Those sweet little teeth don’t want to move out of the way to make room for their permanent counterparts and your child winds up with what is often called “shark teeth”, a second row of permanent teeth behind the baby teeth. This usually occurs on the bottom…

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Sealants and Sealing Out Tooth Decay

Brush and floss. Brush and floss. That’s what we’re told from the time we’re old enough to take care of our teeth on our own. Get all those chocolate crumbs, bits of broccoli, and other food out of your teeth. Keep the plaque to a minimum and be sure not to brush too hard of…

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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

When your baby’s first teeth appear, it’s an exciting time! There are so many hallmarks in a small child’s life and getting teeth is certainly one of them! The appearance of those first tiny white nubs mean that- before long – your child will be transitioning from just breast milk or formula to baby food…

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FAQ about Your Child’s Baby Teeth

When you have a child – especially your first – everything is new and wonderful! In many instances, you simply don’t know what to expect, so each day brings something amazing and different. From the first coo to those first incredible steps, everything about that little one is miraculous. And that includes those tiny little…

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2020 Dental Hygiene Resolutions

As another holiday season comes to a close and 2020 draws near, you are probably starting to think about resolutions for the new year. Whether it is creating a budget or choosing a healthier lifestyle, it is a perfect time to set new goals. Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry wants to be a part of your dental…

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Should Cavities in Baby Teeth Be Filled?

Many times I get asked if it is really necessary to fill the cavities in baby teeth? They tend to think since baby teeth fall out it won’t really matter if the tooth is not filled. Unfortunately this assumption is false. This will often lead to the neglect of primary teeth and may cause permanent damage.…

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Sealants and the Prevention of Dental Decay

Sealants are a great prevention tool that can really reduce your child’s risk for decay. With that being said, what are sealants? The sealant is a tool that the pediatric dentist uses to prevent decay. The sealant is made of a liquid resin material that can be flowed into the pits and grooves of back…

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7 Dental Problems in Babies

When you become a parent there are so many questions you face when it comes to caring for your new baby.  Caring for your baby’s mouth and teeth as they erupt is more important than you would think.  There are many things you can do to help your baby begin their journey to a lifetime…

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How to Floss with Braces!

While wearing braces it is even more important to make sure you are brushing and flossing properly. It takes a big commitment to make sure teeth stay healthy.  It will take up to three times as long to clean your teeth but it is very important because there are more surfaces for plaque and bacteria to hide…

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Mouth Guards: 4 Reason to Wear One During Sports

While playing sports it is important to wear a mouth guard in order to decrease the risk of mouth or jaw injuries. The American Dental Association estimates that mouthguards prevent more than 200,000 injuries each year! There are over five million teeth avulsed each year due to absence of a mouthguard or even an improperly…

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Loose Teeth and What You Need to Know

Many times here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we get asked about loose tooth in children and what a parent should do.  Here are some important tips on what you need to know about loose teeth! What do I do if my child’s tooth is pushed back? Your child’s pediatric dentist must address any variety of…

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When Should Kids Start Flossing?

It is a common question we get asked a lot! Flossing. When do we start? How do we do it? Here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we love to answer questions! It is a part our job to give parents the resources and information they need so their child has the greatest success at having a…

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How to Choose the Right Electric Toothbrush For Your Child!

There are many choices of electric toothbrushes on the market nowadays. It may take trying some out to find the one that works best for your child. Some are louder than others, some have softer or harder bristles, some vibrate harder or softer against your child’s gums. You just keep in mind that children have…

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Causes of Bleeding Gums in Children

Bleeding gums in children are never normal When flossing your toddler’s teeth they may experience some bleeding and even think it’s ok, BUT IT IS NOT!  It is important to understand that bleeding is not normal, for toddlers or adults, and can be a clue that something is wrong. At Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we examine…

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The 5 Most Common Dental Issues in Children

As the needs change for children’s dental health as they grow, so do possible dental issues they may experience. By understanding what these potential problems maybe you are a long way ahead of helping your children what is necessary to prevent them in the first place. I am going to go over the five most…

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First Dental Visit by the First Birthday!

Here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we hear this question all the time. It may seem silly because maybe your baby only has a few teeth but these first visits are very important. You can think of it as a regular checkup like the ones you would take them to with their pediatrician. According to the…

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A Child’s First Dental Exam: What to Know

You may be wondering, “What happens at my child’s first dental exam?”  When you begin taking your child to the pediatric dentist at a young age, you will set your child up for a healthy dental behaviors that continue on throughout their life. Your first dental visit for your child to Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry should…

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Six Surprising Bad Foods For Your Child’s Teeth

Everyone knows and has been told numerous times that sugar is bad for our children’s teeth. Many foods are less obvious than candy and soda and that can result in cavities at their next dental appointment. Below are bad foods for your child’s teeth and some may surprise you! 6 bad foods for teeth Here…

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How Do I Find a Pediatric Dentist Near Me?

If you are looking for a pediatric dentist near you in Anchorage, Alaska it is important to know what type of services they offer. A pediatric dentist is able to provide  many services related to checkups and filling cavities.  They teach children and parents how to take care of their teeth so they can prevent…

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How to Correctly Brush Your Child’s Teeth!

As the holiday season begins to come to a close, you are probably starting to think about resolutions for 2020. It may be eating healthier or starting a budget, it’s a great time to set these goals. While you are making a list of resolutions for 2020,  the pediatric dentists at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry want…

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The 5 Stages of Tooth Decay

Did you know there are five stages of tooth decay? And, that in the first phase of decay it is possible to reverse a cavity naturally.  Indeed, it’s true. In the first phase of tooth decay, whether you are a child or an adult, the application of fluoride via  your toothpaste and even the local…

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How to Clean Your Tongue

Imagine it’s still winter … you’re standing at the door, ready to brave the cold. You’re layered-up with three shirts and a sweatshirt, your heavy winter coat, and two layers of socks underneath your waterproof winter boots. Then you’ve got those awesome jeans with the flannel on the inside, your comfy hat, scarf, and gloves.…

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How does Pediatric Sedation Dentistry Work?

Our pediatric dentists’ first consideration when it comes to a child receiving pediatric sedation dentistry is safety. Pediatric dentists recommend sedation for long, complex procedures especially for patients who are young or very nervous. Sedation is typically a very safe procedure. Types of Pediatric Sedation Dentistry The major types of sedation pediatric dentists provide are oral…

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5 Most Common Errors In Brushing Your Teeth

To keep your teeth and mouth healthy, brushing is the most important thing you can do every single day! It is very important to make sure you are brushing correctly or you may miss out on the benefits brushing has on your oral health. 1. Do not use an old or damaged toothbrush. You need…

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When should orthodontic treatment start?

Developing malocclusions, or bad bites, can be recognized as early as 2-3 years of age. Often, early steps can be taken to reduce the need for major orthodontic treatment at a later age. We will discuss in this article when orthodontic treatment should start. Braces between the age of 2-6 years old Stage I – Early…

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4 Tips to Stop Kids from Grinding Their Teeth (Bruxism)

Bruxism or the nocturnal grinding of teeth is often concerning for parents.  Often, the first indication is the noise created by the child grinding on their teeth during sleep. I will go over four tips to help stop kids from grinding their teeth. Does Your Child Grind His Teeth At Night? Referred to as Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um)…

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Six tips to care for your toddler’s teeth

Caring for your toddler’s teeth should begin early. You must develop the tools and habits that will help your toddler have the best oral health. Begin oral hygiene habits as soon as possible. Use a damp cloth to clean the inside of your baby’s mouth as well as any teeth that may have erupted. Be…

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5 Tips to stop thumbsucking

Sucking is a natural reflex and infants and young children may use thumbs, fingers, pacifiers and other objects on which to suck. It may make them feel secure and happy, or provide a sense of security at difficult periods. Since thumbsucking is relaxing, it may induce sleep. How Does Thumbsucking effect permanent teeth? Thumbsucking that…

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When should you start brushing your baby’s teeth?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tiny tooth pops through the gums to prevent cavities early on. Brush Baby’s Gum with a washcloth Better yet, you can make tooth brushing a routine for baby from the start by brushing baby’s gums with a little finger…

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5 Reasons to Schedule Your Kid’s Back-to-School Dental Exam

Parents, schedule your kid’s dental exam before school starts because of a beautiful ѕmіlе hеlрѕ in winning a mіllіоn hearts. Whеn planning уоur сhіld’ѕ rеturn tо ѕсhооl іn the fаll, аѕ parents уоu hаvе a lіѕt оf ѕuррlіеѕ and рurсhаѕеѕ that nееd tо bе mаdе tо mаkе ѕurе they hаvе everything they nееd tо hаvе…

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Baby Teething Chart

When do Babies Begin Teething? Most babies begin teething somewhere between six to twelve months. Usually, the last primary molar pops through by age three. Please download our Baby Teething Chart Baby Teething Chart:  See When Your Baby’s Teeth Will Come In   UPPER TEETH ERUPT SHED Central incisor 8-12 months 6-7 years Lateral incisor 9-13 months 7-8 years…

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Does my child need braces?

Taking a short break from our Dental Trauma series, I thought I write about something a little more lighthearted and something that you may already be wondering about for your child. “Does my child need braces?” For the most part, you may already know the answer to this question. You see, most orthodontic problems such…

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Four Signs of a Teething Baby

Parents always gush over baby’s first tooth, but what you don’t see in the precious picture are the miserable moments leading up to it. A teething baby is one of the most distressing problems that affect little ones and their parents. You are probably aware of the fact that babies’ teeth start growing in a certain…

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Why baby teeth are important!

You may wonder why pediatric dentists recommend dental restorations on baby teeth. Aren’t they just going to fall out anyways?  Do they really need to be filled? While this is true, they serve many important functions prior to being lost. Besides contributing to an esthetic appearance and self-esteem, they are important for: Maintaining space in…

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What are healthy snacks for your child?

Dietary choices not only affect general health and well-being, but dental health as well! Human breast milk has been found to be superior in providing the best possible nutrition for infants. Choosing healthy snack for your child  as they begin to grow is very important. However, as the child grows, other foods are introduced. Once…

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Impact of Poor Oral Health on School Performance

Do you know what the most common early childhood disease is? According to National Institutes of Health, dental caries are reported as the most common reason school-aged children are sick. In fact, children are 5 times more likely to develop tooth decay than asthma! I am sure you are wondering the impact of poor oral…

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What causes toddler cavities?

My toddler has cavities! But why? We have almost all had a cavity at some time, but why do some get more than others? What causes toddler cavities? Here is some information and a few tips to help keep your child cavity free: Cavities also called caries or “sugar bugs” by pediatric dentists, are caused…

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