A Guide to Baby Teeth for First-time Parents

First-time parents face plenty of joys – and challenges – during their child’s lifetime, especially during those first few years when everything is new and – often – unexpected. There’s the first smile, first steps, first words, and – of course – those first little baby teeth. But there’s much more to those tiny baby…

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Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Not all dentists are created equal. And when it comes to choosing a dentist to care for your child’s dental health, that’s certainly the case! Throughout our country you’ll find many pediatric dentists, but – within that community – there’s a smaller collection of dentists that are board-certified in pediatric dentistry, which means that they’ve…

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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

When your baby’s first teeth appear, it’s an exciting time! There are so many hallmarks in a small child’s life and getting teeth is certainly one of them! The appearance of those first tiny white nubs mean that- before long – your child will be transitioning from just breast milk or formula to baby food…

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FAQ about Your Child’s Baby Teeth

When you have a child – especially your first – everything is new and wonderful! In many instances, you simply don’t know what to expect, so each day brings something amazing and different. From the first coo to those first incredible steps, everything about that little one is miraculous. And that includes those tiny little…

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2020 Dental Hygiene Resolutions

As another holiday season comes to a close and 2020 draws near, you are probably starting to think about resolutions for the new year. Whether it is creating a budget or choosing a healthier lifestyle, it is a perfect time to set new goals. Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry wants to be a part of your dental…

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Teething Symptoms

As babies make their way through their first year of life, there are so many milestones to mark. That first smile or laugh. Sitting up on their own. Crawling, Pulling themselves up. Walking. And – of course – the appearance of those first tiny little teeth. While those first teeth are certainly adorable and add…

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7 Dental Problems in Babies

When you become a parent there are so many questions you face when it comes to caring for your new baby.  Caring for your baby’s mouth and teeth as they erupt is more important than you would think.  There are many things you can do to help your baby begin their journey to a lifetime…

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Loose Teeth and What You Need to Know

Many times here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we get asked about loose tooth in children and what a parent should do.  Here are some important tips on what you need to know about loose teeth! What do I do if my child’s tooth is pushed back? Your child’s pediatric dentist must address any variety of…

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When Should Kids Start Flossing?

It is a common question we get asked a lot! Flossing. When do we start? How do we do it? Here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we love to answer questions! It is a part our job to give parents the resources and information they need so their child has the greatest success at having a…

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Causes of Bleeding Gums in Children

Bleeding gums in children are never normal When flossing your toddler’s teeth they may experience some bleeding and even think it’s ok, BUT IT IS NOT!  It is important to understand that bleeding is not normal, for toddlers or adults, and can be a clue that something is wrong. At Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we examine…

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